Talent policy
Talents recognizing
Talents recognizing, namely recruit talents according to their abilities. -- The primary criterion for talent selection is the applicant's comprehensive ability. Through five stages of written test, interview, physical examination, background check, probationary period, Jointown reviews the comprehensive quality of the candidates to choose suitable talent for the development of Jointown
Talents utilization
Talents utilization, namely use talents with good moral qualities. -- Besides corresponding abilities, personal moral quality of employee is an important standard to measure whether the employees can be relied on and promoted.
Talents training, namely cultivate talents through trainings and practices.On one hand, Jointown creates various training and study opportunities for employees to help them improve their abilities;On the other hand, the talents training mechanism of "push, support and pull" is established to put talents into suitable positions to promote their rapid development through practices.
Talents retaining
Talents retaining, namely retain talents through promotion platform. --What attract talents the most is that Jointown provides broad development platform in the field of pharmaceutical business.Talents with various professions can find the stage suitable for their own career development here, and Jointown will do its best to create more favorable career development space for talents with lofty ideals, so as to realize the win-win situation between employees and enterprises.
Salary and welfare
Smart employees make the enterprise smart, and strong employees make the enterprise strong. The company is committed to continuously improving the working and living environment of employees, enriching their spare time cultural life, and constantly improving their salary and welfare level.
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